Instatrim Standard



Trim tabs provide lift to the transom of the boat allowing the vessel to effortlessly plane at a reduced speed. This allow the boat to travel easier through the waves, catching less drag and providing a more comfortable ride. InstaTrim tabs are easy to install and one of the longest lasting trimtabs in production today. It is usual to have Instatrim Originals in 30 years on the boat.

They come pre-assembled with or without the electronic Tab locator. A minimum of time is required.

Smooth rides for skipper and passengers thanks to corrected bow and list. Every time you go for a ride.

Skipper visibility is improved when your bow is corrected.

Less wear and tear on your boat. When properly trimmed you stay on plane even a little slower, and therefore can lower R.P.M’s. Engine life is extended.

InstaTrim tabs are easy to install. They come pre-assembled with or without the electronic Tab locator. A minimum of time is required.

Fuel economy. A boat in perfect plane consumes less fuel and emissions are at lowest.

